Please submit one-page document (Microsoft Word format) that describes the proposed paper by February 15st, 2008.
The requiarements of abstracts (included inside instructions given below for full paper):
    • The authors name(s), complete address, including telephone, fax and email address, business or professional affiliation(s).
    • An abstract text, 150 to 500 words in length.
    • A keyword list, up to five topics, including the primary topic.

Please submit abstracts by email to .
Please also download, complete and afterwards send the following form:

pdf word Abstract Submission Form

It is possible to skip the form but in this case, please enter the declaration included on the bottom of second page of above form
, to the lower part of the abstract (below proper text and added few line spaces), afterwards print out or make PDF format file and fax/send to Conference Secretariat. This declaration is connected with Privacy Policy and Protection of Personal Data.

Full papers
Authors whose abstracts are accepted should submit their full paper by May 15th, 2008. Instructions can be found in the following dowloadable documents:

pdf word Instruction and example

Please remember to e-mail the final version of the paper (provide copy on CD and hard copy only if you have problems with sending by email).
Full papers should be in Microsoft Word format and may be submitted by email (). A pdf file of the paper should also be sent to assure the correctness.

Please download, complete and email, fax or mail the following forms, with your final paper, to the conference secretariat.

pdf word Copyright transfer agreement

Conference Secretariat of EWGAE - Kraków 2008
Mrs Katarzyna Kawecka

    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
        Institute of Production Engineering M-6
        al. Jana Pawla II 37, 31-864 Krakow, Poland
        Phone:  +48 12 628 32 50, Fax: +48 12 628 32 02

The reviewed and accepted papers will be edited and published in Proceedings volume along with a CD version and will be available at the conference for participants.
Selected papers will be appeared in Journal of Acoustic Emission.
Date of deadlines
Submission of Abstracts  February 28th, 2008
Acceptance of Papers March 15th, 2008
Submission of full Paper June 15th, 2008
Reviever’s comments   June 30th, 2008
Receiving of final Paper August 1st, 2008
Early registration price  till May 15th, 2008
Conference authors Registration  June 15th, 2008
Conference Dates September 17th – 19th, 2008
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